What is Tummy Tuck?
Abdominoplasty, also known as a 'tummy tuck', is a surgical procedure that targets the removal of excess fat and skin from the front abdominal wall, including the area above the belly button.
It's important to recognize that this body sculpting surgery serves more than just aesthetic purposes. It plays a crucial role in effective therapeutic strategies for preventing spine curvature due to excess weight, as well as mitigating risks of varicose veins and vascular stagnation in the lower limbs.
The surgical suite includes muscle reshaping, contributing to a well-toned appearance and well-defined, attractive body contours. The primary aim of abdominoplasty is to provide effective shape correction and volume reduction. If required, the surgery can also involve repositioning the belly button to its natural location, suturing the aponeurosis (a tendinous sheath of collagen fibers that can provoke diastasis when stretched), and removing an umbilical hernia.
Please remember that any surgical procedure carries potential risks and benefits, and it's always essential to consult with a healthcare professional before deciding on any medical intervention.
Types of Abdominoplasty
There are different methods of performing abdominoplasty, and the optimal approach is determined based on the patient's present condition and the desired outcomes.
The types commonly performed include:
• Traditional (full) abdominoplasty: This method involves the removal of excess fat and sagging skin folds, suturing of muscles, and correction of the belly button's position.
• Mini-abdominoplasty: This technique focuses on a small area above the pubic region, performing a lift. It's effective for eliminating stretch marks and a minor amount of fat that forms a fold. However, it's not suited for cases involving significant navel displacement and major skin deformity.
Each procedure is performed under anesthesia and can last anywhere from 1 to 5 hours, depending on the complexity of the surgery. After a successful procedure and the completion of the recovery phase, patients can expect to have a smooth and well-contoured abdomen.
As always, it's crucial for potential patients to consult with a healthcare professional to understand fully the risks and benefits associated with any surgical procedure.
Indications for Abdominoplasty
Abdominoplasty, or a 'tummy tuck', may be considered necessary in the following situations:
• When there's a separation in the inner edges of the rectus muscles or the appearance of stretch marks;
• If there are visible fat folds, causing the stomach to protrude and appear unappealing;
• When an excess of subcutaneous fat is present;
• If the abdominal muscles have become loose and weakened, causing the waist to lose its well-defined contours;
• When wide postoperative scars are disrupting visual aesthetics.
Many women seek to regain their pre-pregnancy figure after childbirth. Their journey towards a slim waist can often be hindered not by lack of effort, but by individual physiological challenges such as hernias, muscle atrophy, separated fibers, and reduced skin elasticity.
Men who have experienced significant weight loss can also benefit from abdominoplasty to address sagging skin. Rapid weight reduction can lead to stretching of the white line (fibrous structure) of the abdomen.
Additionally, diastasis, often accompanied by back pain and constipation, could occur due to hereditary factors.
When rigorous workouts and strict diets fail to yield visible results, abdominoplasty becomes an effective option to restore tissue firmness and promote constant involuntary muscle tension.
As always, it's important for patients to discuss any surgical procedure with a healthcare professional to understand the potential risks and benefits.
Stages of Surgery

First Day
Arrival and check-in. A clinic employee meets guests at the airport, then arranges transfer to the hotel, helps you with check-in.

Second Day
Meeting and acquaintance with the doctor, consultation and preliminary studies, surgery. The presence of our own laboratory and modern high-tech medical equipment for diagnostics allows us to carry out preparatory activities promptly and get reliable results in a short time. The operation is performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon with the support of highly professional medical staff. Anesthesiologist, resuscitator, assistants and nurses - a team of specialists provides support at all stages.

Third Day
Recovery and rest. Our clinic provides a comfortable hospital. Advanced-generation anesthetic drugs can minimize postoperative discomfort. The specifics of innovative methods of plastic surgery and the high level of skill of specialists allow you to issue an extract for the next day. However, we always stay in touch and are ready to provide assistance and consult on any issues 24/7.

Fourth Day
A follow-up visit to the doctor. During the final consultation, the surgeon will assess the condition of the suture and tissues, general well-being. Comprehensive information will be provided regarding further actions, the necessary medications and a compression bandage will be issued. Upon returning home, the patient has the opportunity to communicate and consult with the doctor if necessary.
Preparation for
Preparation for abdominoplasty can be divided into two main stages: preparation by the patient for surgery and preparation of the patient for surgery.
1. Before abdominoplasty, the patient should be prepared in advance on some points:
• Follow a diet that your doctor or out staff will provide you with information about. This will help to cleanse the intestines of excess food and reduce weight;
• 14 days before the scheduled operation, the doctor may prescribe vascular strengthening drugs;
• A week before the procedure you should stop smoking because nicotine significantly slows down wound healing. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the intake of alcohol and other pharmaceutical drugs that affect blood clotting.
2. When you arrive in Turkey, you are prepared for a number of procedures:
• Initial consultation with a doctor. At this stage, an examination is carried out, during which the surgeon determines which type of intervention will achieve the desired results. Conclusions are made based on the assessment of the position of the muscles, the condition of the skin, the volume of subcutaneous fat;
• Collection of anamnesis. The surgeon must know all medical history like the presence of allergic reactions, chronic diseases, monitoring of the current indicators of the body.
• Conducting practical research. For a full-fledged diagnosis, various blood tests, urine, ECG, fluorography, etc. are prescribed. Also, the doctor should be aware of what drug course the patient is undergoing (or has recently undergone). If the list of medications includes medications that have an effect (to varying degrees) on blood clotting ability, they should be discarded. Consultation and coordination of therapeutic measures with the attending physician are necessary under any circumstances!
Description of the Procedure
Performing Abdominoplasty
The complexity of the operation is determined individually, but the following procedures are distinguished:
• Anesthesia. Anesthesia can be general or epidural, according to the individual characteristics of each specific case;
• Formation of sections. They are localized above the pubis and are carried out strictly according to the previously applied markings. During endoscopy, punctures of 1-1.5 cm are formed near the navel;
• Closing of incisions. With open plastic surgery — cosmetic suture and bandage.
With classical plastic surgery, a horizontal section is created, the tissue is detached to the lower edge of the chest and the necessary manipulations are performed — the elimination of stretch marks, hernial defect and diastasis. If there is a pronounced deformation on the sides, a vertical section is possible, after which the skin is stretched down and to the center.
With mini-abdominoplasty, manipulations are performed through a small incision located above the pubis.
Recovery After Abdominoplasty
Duration of the Operation
From 1 to 5 hours.
From 1 to 5 days.
Return to Work
After 2-3 weeks, the patient begins to lead a normal lifestyle.
Restriction of Sports
In the first 30 days - exclude completely, in the future, until the end of recovery - physical therapy.
Taking a Shower
It is allowed after 1-3 days, it is impossible to wet the stitches, compression devices for the period of the procedure and treatment of the stitches can be removed.
Sleeping Position
In te first month, it is recommended to sleep only on your back and bend your legs (to avoid stitches tension), turning on your side is allowed no earlier than two weeks later. During the first month, you can not remove the bandage at night.
Full Recovery
From 2 weeks to a year.
HOW MANY DAYS DO I NEED TO STAY FOR SURGERY IN TURKEY?The first day in Turkey will take you to check in at the hotel, and the next day we will take you to the clinic for abdominoplasty. The operation lasts 4-5 hours, after which you will be left in the hospital under the supervision of specialists for 3-4 days. In the absence of complications, patients are discharged, but for another 5 days it is recommended to observe bed rest. The stitches will be removed approximately on the 9th day.
HOW DO I UNDERSTAND THAT I NEED A TUMMY TUCK, AND NOT JUST LIPOSUCTION?Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery aimed at removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen, possible stretch marks in this area, as well as restoring weakened muscles. The procedure is not to lose weight, but to remove excess skin and fat that may remain after rapid weight loss or repeated pregnancies. Therefore, if you see flabby skin or excess fat deposits when examining your body, you can safely sign up for a consultation with us.
IS LIPOSUCTION DONE WITH ABDOMINOPLASTY?Rarely, abdominoplasty is performed separately from liposuction. This is due to the fact that liposuction, which is a procedure of aspiration of fats from certain parts of the body, helps to form a silhouette, preventing an unnatural appearance of the abdomen after surgery. It is important that the doctor assess whether there is a need or whether liposuction is indicated in combination with abdominoplasty in each case.
WILL I HAVE MY ABDOMINAL MUSCLES STITCHED (DIASTASIS SUTURED)?With classical abdominoplasty, in addition to the main ones, another incision is made around the navel, since it cannot be removed. The abdominal muscles are exposed and stitched, bringing them closer, thinning the waist and eliminating abdominal diastasis. Then the removed skin is finally separated from the patient`s body, and what remains of the tissue is pulled down and reconnected with the incision, closing the wound. Stitching of the abdominal muscles is not required only for mini-abdominoplasty.
WHAT IS THE RECOVERY PROCESS AFTER ABDOMINOPLASTY?The postoperative period is considered by many to be the most difficult part of abdominoplasty, since recovery can be relatively long. On average, it takes a patient from 10 days to gradually return to normal activities. Highly qualified surgeons recommend avoiding large efforts and activities that require excessive stress and exertion for four months after surgery. During the rehabilitation period, the patient must strictly follow the doctor`s prescriptions, including treating scars.
IN HOW MANY DAYS WILL I RETURN TO A NORMAL LIFESTYLE?After abdominoplasty, the patient needs at least 10 days of complete rest. In some cases, doctors prescribe complete rest for at least 15 days. After this time, the patient can return to work, but full recovery takes from 2 to 4 months. With individual physiological characteristics of the patient, the recovery process may take longer. Rehabilitation is also longer if other operations, such as liposuction and mammoplasty, were performed shortly before or together with abdominoplasty.
WILL I HAVE A BIG SCAR?During abdominoplasty, scarring cannot be avoided. It is usually not very large and is located at the base of the abdomen, just above the groin area. But it is easy to hide it under underwear and even under a bikini, especially with mini-abdominoplasty and classical surgery. In addition, over time, the scar becomes less bright. The size of the scar depends on the amount of skin removed during the operation, but experienced surgeons always try to minimize the traces of abdominoplasty.
IS IT POSSIBLE TO GET RID OF THE SCAR AFTER ABDOMINOPLASTY?So that the scar does not become more noticeable than it should, or a keloid does not form, which is an excessive growth of tissue, it is important that the patient has a good rest and does not make any effort to the abdominal area during recovery. After the operation, the doctor will give recommendations for rehabilitation, as well as prescribe special creams or ointments that will help make the scar as invisible as possible. Modern cosmetics help not to completely get rid of scars, but to make them barely noticeable.
WHAT ARE THE COMPLICATIONS AFTER ABDOMINOPLASTY?The patient has a list of recommendations from the attending physician. Most of the possible complications are associated with non-compliance with medical advice during rehabilitation and ignoring visible signs of deterioration of health. Risks that are likely to be encountered: • Purulent inflammation. It is observed when hygiene and antiseptics are not observed during dressing; • Violation of the integrity of the stitch. It is possible with the assumption of physical exertion in the postoperative phase; • Edema. It happens after any operation, but if the swelling does not subside for a long period, it is important to consult a doctor immediately; • Lymphorrhea (fluid accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue in the area of the scar and a focus of inflammation forms when the capillaries rupture; this occurs when ignoring the need to wear compression underwear). In the Plastic Surgery Turkey Group clinic, where competent plastic surgeons with extensive practice and many years of experience work, the risk of complications after abdominoplasty is almost zero. Clear and consistent compliance with the recommendations allows you to avoid negative consequences and even shorten the rehabilitation period.